Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Was talking to Meghan today about the list. She seemed particularly interested in the body goals and suggested our little group forms a type of support network for exercise and fitness. I'm all for it. I'm trying to slowly get rid of all the crap food in my house. Unfortunately, that means eating most of it - but also not replenishing! Since I love lists to an almost pathological extent, I decided to list the foods of greatest weakness to me and decide which ones can stay and which gotta go.

1. candy (most specifically, black licorice crows and sour patch kids) - NOT OK
2. low fat fig newmans - OK (3 a day, which is 1 serving)
3. honey - OK (a teaspoon in unsweetened greek yogurt - none in tea)
4. chocolate - EHHHH (allowed when pms-ing, or i'll explode, but really try to cut down)
5. chai from starbucks - EHHHH (it's not as bad as other things...let's go with once a week, which is about what I do now anyway)

I'm trying to consciously keep my bondas engaged so I can build up that core strength (mind you, I've been trying to do this since about 4 pm today, so let's see how long this ACTUALLY lasts). Meghan said she'd help me try to get into headstand while she gets into (gulp) *scorpion*. Yeah, I'm never gonna be that cool. That's ok - it's only Tuesday and I've already been to yoga once this week! Gonna try for tomorrow too. Woot!

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Social-Action Goals
1. Do 5 genuinely nice, out-of-the-ordinary, out-of-your-way things for other people.

2. Walk in the Lupus Walk-a-Thon.

3. Go on a NYC walking tour with your friends.

4. Send Ari a care package to Israel before he actually comes home.

5. Make an entire meal, appetizer to dessert, entirely from scratch (including any breads, pastas, sauces, spreads, etc.) for all your friends.

Body Goals
6. Lose 15 lbs.

7. Develop enough core strength to do a headstand in yoga.

8. Participate in a marathon - even if you're not really trying to win.

9. Give up cheese for one whole month.

10. Go to yoga at least twice a week for 3 months.

Skill Development
11. Read 7 new books that you're not afraid to admit to others you've read.

12. Learn to ride a bike.

13. Learn about red wines.

14. Go to a lecture at the Hayden Planetarium (AMNH).

15. Make a tiered birthday cake.

Knitting Goals
16. Develop the Wolf in Sheep's Clothing knit line on Etsy.
a. Sell at least 3 items on Etsy.

17. Finish the shawl.

18. Crochet a rainbow yarmulke for Ari.

19. Finish mom's scarf.

20. TBD

Random Stuff
21. Go to wineries that aren't on Long Island.

22. Don't go on AIM for a month.

23. Put $5,000 into savings.

24. Ride the mechanical bull at Famous Johnny's on Bell Blvd.

25. Go an entire month without Starbucks.

Five More for Good Luck
26. TBD

27. TBD

28. TBD

29. TBD

30. Do something, purely for the story.

And so it begins...

2010 has just begun. With it, I turn 25. My sister got engaged at 25. For those that know me well, you know that this means I believe I *should* be engaged already. I'm pretty ok with that clearly not being in my cards for a while, but I figured I should really try to accomplish something to usher in a new Gregorian decade and personal quarter-century. That being said, I have created a list of things I'd like to accomplish by December 31, 2011.

Feel free to follow, abandon, comment, rant, create your own list, bitch, or contribute.

It's going to be an interesting year.